In my attempt to maximize my time and get through all of the things on my plate right now without going insane, I’ve had to implement new strategies to make some old routines work and get started in some new habits. My favorite so far that has really made a difference?

The 2-minute Rule.

Whether you’re replying to an email or trying to cross off a chore, if it can be done in two minutes, do it. Don’t put it off.

While I’ve had to ask myself “Can this be done in two minutes?” an awful lot, it has helped me incredibly over the past few weeks to check things off and get them done. Really, how long does it take to send that email or empty the dishwasher? Not long. If I put it off, time quickly spirals into a black hole of Internet videos and a to-do list that is just as long as when I started.

♥ My birthday turned into a weekend-long celebration, or so it felt. I received cards from my dearest blogger friends, co-workers, and even a card signed by all of my students; got to visit with friends and family; and stuffed myself full of 5 different types of cake. Most of all, I don’t think I’ve felt so genuinely appreciated before, and loved just getting the chance to spend my birthday with such wonderful, loved people!

♥ Earlier in the week I had the chance to hop on a Skype call with Alexis of Strange and Charmed, who is a fellow Blogcademy grad, and chat about blogging mojo, ideas brewing in our heads at the moment, and just life in general (along with Kate Spade’s Beau bag!). I don’t think I’ve had a phone call that lasted that long (an hour and a half!) in ages, and it felt good to talk shop and bounce ideas around. Alexis runs a fabulous blog for the tech savvy (and oh-so-stylish!) gal, which I can’t urge you to check out enough!
♥ Every now and then I’m able to go to a lecture or see a guest speaker that truly blows me away. Last night, two gentlemen from local school districts came in to talk about ‘data’, which quickly took the more interesting shape of a discussion about race, perceptions, and engaging students as individuals. Related to teaching or not, it was an incredible thoughtful talk, and I’m so lucky to have been a part of such an important and personal conversation.
little lovesteacup candles ♥ birthday cards and love from friends and family ♥ glittery cards ♥ the golds, oranges, and scarlets of changing fall leaves ♥ birthday cards signed by all of my students ♥ stripes and polka dots ♥ flexibility ♥ hitting my bandwidth limit felt surreal, in a way ♥ coffee (and lots of it!)
What are you thankful for this week?